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Friday, 10 May 2019

Maybe tomorrow I'll get to visit home.

Today my neutrophils were 0.46, they should be 1 but anything over 0.5 and I can leave. The consultant said if the other bloods looked ok (and they should do), then he’d let me off the 0.04 and let me go tomorrow. Meanwhile my platelets were 11 and should be over 70 but that wouldn’t restrict me from going home. 
I had a platelet transfusion last night and am due a blood transfusion tonight (or was it the other way round) and more blood tests in the morning to see if I can be free.

I have to come in to daycase on Monday for blood tests to see if I am safe and again on Thursday to see if I’m strong enough for the next (AND FINAL) chemo which will start on Monday if my body can handle it!  This unfortunately means I’ll either be on chemo or recovering from it during half term which I was hoping to go out and be entertaining (or at least awake) for my children.  Typical but looking at it over a longer term, it’s only a short blip in our lives and if it’s making me better then I can’t really complain can I?

American films about chemo alternatives

Most of the alternative cancer treatment films I’ve watched are American which means people are initially faced with paying around $100,000 so they’re more likely to shop around - you can’t just get the first one you see at that price. The natural and other non-chemo remedies were cheaper (e.g. $30,000) and would at least be worth a look. Not involving chemo or surgery would be a pretty big pull too. Chemotherapy is pretty much everything I’ve mentioned in the whole blog (all the drugs, transfusions, pain etc) not the cancer though, of course I’m not letting cancer off.Anyway, I’ve probably learnt too little too late even if I were to find $30k for something like localised hyperthermia (very hot) treatment which kills the cancer by applying localised heat – no chemo or drugs.

(More info on the films on the links page:

Films on Diet and Cancer

I've been watching a few films on diet which include things to protect and cure cancer and avoid the symptoms of chemotherapy. I’m as cynical as the next person but there are some compelling arguments. Fasting and time restricted eating, according to some films, is very helpful in that our cells reduce to conserve energy but the cancer ones don’t shrink so they are a bigger target for the chemo. Also the recovery from chemo is better. There are conflicting opinions as to what I should eat; healthy green veg and fruit and vitamins etc makes sense but I should also be eating fat and energy to fight the chemo which also makes sense, so eat everything then! And fasting as well. It would be confusing if I were choosing, but I’m nearing the end of the NHS route now so other than keep an eye on my diet, I’m leaving it in the hands of the NHS. It’s all very interesting stuff though and chemo does seem to be a very blunt weapon even if it works.

(More info on the films on the links page: