6pm: A nurse woke me to tell me I’d be on fluid obs from
midnight (this is where I count the glasses of water I drink and wee in a
bucket) I suspected that this meant I’d be on a fluid drip from midnight too
which was confirmed later.
6.30 Obs
7pm: I mentioned that my PICC line wasn’t quite right and
they’re going to put a cannula in my hand for the midnight fluids. They’ll use
the PICC line if it turns out to be ok but they’re putting a cannula in just
in case.
7.30 Tablets and confirmation of the midnight drip
9.30: Obs read my temperature at 38 which means regular obs
and we’ll see how it affects my 10pm when a doctor will come in and review
it. I may as well stay awake until
10.40pm: A nurse
comes in to tell me she’s going to put a cannula in and will remove the PICC
line in the morning. I say this wasn’t
what I was told, I’d been told someone would test the PICC line and use it if
it worked, if not we’d use a cannula. She said the doctor told her to do it. I
said I hadn’t seen a doctor. The doctor hadn’t reviewed it. She said the doctor
had been told that it had come out and needed to be replaced. I said that
no-one who’d actually seen it had said that and the doctor was going on Chinese
whispers rather than their own review of the PICC line. I asked her who the
doctor was and she said she hadn’t seen him before. I asked her if he was
really a doctor. The nurses went off to discuss things with the doctor.
10.55 Nurse comes and tests my PICC line. Works fine. She
re-dressed the PICC line and went to get the medicine.
12.55 Meropenem and gentamicin infused into me and no more
meds until tomorrow just obs at 3 and bloods at 6. I’m going to sleep!