I was due to go into outpatients to have my bloods taken to see if I was well enough to stay at home or if I had to be admitted. I knew before Id set off that they were low. Its usually not possible to judge blood levels but I felt so totaly crap and exhausted at the thought of anything (I had a 5 minute break after climbing the stairs). I seemed to be constantly out of breath. Not through respiratory problems but a genuine tiredness. Anyway the results confirmed what I suspected. The following shows what they’re mainly interested in and what I scored at 2pm after a double platelet transfusion.
White blood cells safe level 1.0, my score 0.1
Haemoglobin safe level 100 my score 71
Platelets safe level 20 my score 4
Neutrophils safe level 10 my score 0 (yes, zero! How can I survive with zero of anything!!)
I was also due a spinal injection but need a platelet count over 40. Two transfusions raised it from 4 to 20 to 30 but then they refused to give any more giving me a very scary story of why they weren’t. I guess I’ll just have to look forward to the next spinal injection!
So. Needless to say I’m being kept in and monitored. I’m just waiting for a haemoglobin transfusion which hopefully will stop me from shivering (if you know me, you'll know I’m never cold...except for now. Brrr)
Anyway, I’m in the SRU where they take new admissions until a bed becomes available on the correct ward. I'm wearing my winter coat in bed and now I'm about to go to sleep in the hope it eases my throbbing head. Good night. xx