Well. I haven’t updated for a while because nothing has
changed particularly. Still sleeping most of the time, still in hospital, still
feeling physically ok just tired. Last Friday’s reasons for postponing the
intrathecal were because my platelet count (and every other blood count) was
too low despite giving me 2 pints of platelets at the time. All my counts are
still low and starting to rise very slowly. The doctor is at the point of
cancelling tomorrows rescheduled IT. Not that I particularly want the spinal
injection but I have to at some point and it is an indication that my bloods
are well enough to let me out of here. The red blood cells are very low making
me very anaemic which makes me very sleepy most of the time and very bad at
using muscles. I’m exhausted getting out of bed and need to have a rest for 5
minutes after getting dressed which feels like an exertion. Since the last
post, I’ve had 4 blood transfusions and 3 platelet transfusions, I’ll have
another platelet either tonight or tomorrow morning or both possibly with
another 1 or 2 red blood transfusions. All
of this to make me normal following last week’s chemo. I had believed the next
AND FINAL!!! Chemo would be on Monday but at this rate it’ll probably kill me
so I'd guess it’ll be postponed. The main thing is to spend time out of
hospital with my girls this weekend, there's a big birthday party on Saturday so
I’m crossing my fingers that I improve in time for Saturday. I finished my last
post with I’m going to sleep. I think I’ll probably do the same this time. Good