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Friday 15 March 2019

Loxley ward

I’ve just learned that I'll be in overnight and over the weekend. I may be moved back to Toghill which would be much nicer but not home until my count is high enough which will be Monday or Tuesday. This will be for a few days (hopefully my weekend with the girls) then back for round 2 of chemo on the Monday.  As well as my white blood count being low (the immune thing), I also have a very low platelet count (its 5 when they like to keep it over 10 or ideally 20). This explains my nosebleed which I'm slowly developing. To rectify this, I'm having a platelet transfusion shortly which will be a drip for about an hour. After which, they'll test my blood again to see if I need another one and hopefully at some point my nosebleed will stop. The platelets are separated from someone's blood and look like a brown sticky/honey kind of gloop.

It looks like I'm stuck here in Loxley ward for a few of days at least.