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Saturday 11 May 2019

Making an Escape

On Friday night the consultant said I could go immediately after a transfusion of platelets (and maybe red blood too) or I could go first thing Saturday morning if I preferred. I thought it would be easier to leave first thing in the morning.

By 9.30 pm, there was no sign of the platelets so I went to the reception desk and had this conversation; “I’m due some platelets and its getting late”, “no you’re not”, “The consultant said I was”, “well he didn’t write it here so you’re not prescribed any”, “when can I have some?” “sometime tomorrow.”

I waited until the morning, had my bloods at 6am and had the results at 11am, then had this conversation with a new consultant who came to tell me my neutrophils were up to 0.7 which was good for going but also told me I needed platelets which I’d known for some time. We had the following conversation; “can I have some now?”, “if there are any”, “aren’t there some already from last night?”,”there were but they went unused”, “I know! can I use them now?”, “if they’ve not been used by someone else”,”If there aren’t any, when will I get some?”, “Some time today when they come from Sheffield”.

I was feeling more trapped in hospital since being told I could go home and the day passed with me doubting id be out even today and I had my doubts I’d get out evne today but by 7.30pm, I was back home which seemed strange yet familiar.