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Sunday, 7 April 2019

Personal recalibration needed

I've been underestimating myself.  Whether its the cancer, the chemo or not getting any exercise at all, I’m very unhealthy. I need to recalibrate my limits. Because I feel ok, I think I can do the things I used to be able to do but I’m seriously limited now.  I've just spent an afternoon with my daughters which was great. The doctor had told me I was neutropenic and borderline as to whether I could leave hospital at all. He recommended against it but given this was a rare time with my daughters, I went out, stayed local and avoided germs where possible.  Other than walk and sit in the park, I didn’t do anything but felt exhausted when I got back and slept as soon as they left. Yesterday was similar. I went home and we planted some plants in the garden.  Not serious gardening but again, exhausting.  Its reasonable I guess given that I’m ill but I’m not used to it at all and need to make adjustments. 
I think the same may be true in terms of people.  I’m not used to talking to people and communicating effectively.  This kind of recalibration may be harder to achieve.