So, three hours of chemo each day until early next week when i get two days off (Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday) before they bring out the methotrexate.
I've had today's Chemo (half an hour's cyclophosphamide) early to fit in an intrathecal (spinal) methotrexate injection. I'll have a blood transfusion again (!) tomorrow which will eat into my free time but then I get another chunk of day up the garden in the sun so it's relatively great stuff.
I should also be healthy enough to entertain my wider family next week which is half term. At least before Thursday and / or Friday which are likely to be full days of methotrexate and will take at least 2 days to clear while, at the same time, making me ill and neutropenic. However ... after that, there should - SHOULD be no more chemo so there is a potential end date of 3rd June. The quickest it could leave my system would be the 8th June when I could be able to leave the hospital chemo free. It'll be another month before they test me then to see if I'm actually Cancer free which I am already getting worried about the test and results. I'm already placing high hopes on the results of course but there's actually quite a while to sit it out here first. It's been 4 months so far which I think is long enough to get to know the place. And possibly to get a bit institutionalised. Of course, I'm well aware of the much greater lengths of time some people are here and I'm being careful not to get complacent.