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Sunday, 12 May 2019

Flopping at Home

From my hospital bed, I’d pictured myself at home doing the normal things I do at home but from carrying my bag from my hospital bed to the car I knew I wasn’t going to be doing much. I just wanted to sleep and when I did anything (anything!) I was out of breath and exhausted.  My first port of call after entering my house was to flop on the sofa where I stayed . 
The hospital let me out based on my neutrophil count which is whether I can fight any infections while I'm out. They don’t base it on haemoglobin which I’m grateful for as I wouldn’t be allowed out. Haemoglobin carries oxygen to the muscles. When you do exercise, your muscles need more oxygen than they are getting and you get out of breath etc. With so much less than normal haemoglobin, I feel like that much sooner. Like doing anything! So I’m going to spend the week producing more of it I hope so I can act normally. Hopefully even at the weekend when I have my daughters and they’ll see me looking more alive.

So today got up late and sat in the sun outside. That’s pretty much it, and apart from my blood test tomorrow, I expect to do something very similar.