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Friday 5 April 2019

Great recovery from methotrexate

I had my daily meeting with my consultant who said I'd done an amazing job of recovering from the methotrexate and no longer need to be on a drip (or have my drink intake recorded and my wee output measured for amount and ph) and, in fact, can leave the hospital for the day. Its a reasonably small window between my recovery and the inevitable drop in neutrophils (probably tomorrow) which will mean my immune system will be very low and will need to be monitored in hospital. He said we’d need to take it day by day and there’s no saying what tomorrow (the weekend with the girls) will hold. Either way I’ll have to be in hospital overnight but ... I’m free today!

Even better news was he reminded me that after I’m totally over Wednesday's methotrexate then I’ll be Half way through the entire treatment!

Shopping and dining out for a few hours in Nottingham with my mum then back ‘home’ to hospital for food and a DVD. I think tonight's movie will be Philomena.

Phenolic acid

I’m now on phenolic acid injections every 5 hours as well as constant saline drip replaced every 6 hours. Both of these treatments aim to help me to recover from yesterday’s methotrexate. Recovery is monitored by measuring the amount and ph of my wee which is by the bucket load!  Phenolic acid sounds scary but actually its found in the skins and seeds of plants and would be part of a natural plant-based remedy but of course, this is to mitigate the effects of the chemo rather than fix the cancer. I’m all for hippy based solutions but when I get cancer – I want science.