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Wednesday, 27 March 2019

Intrathecal chemotherapy

I’d asked Cath about wigs as she’d previously told me about a voucher to replace lost hair she had told me also that there is a company who come to Maggie’s centre at the hospital to try some on and have a look at styles and what to wear. They come on Wednesdays which unfortunately for me, coincides with my Intrathecal chemotherapy.

The brain has a protection against poison which is usually very useful but as chemotherapy is poison, it is blocked from reaching the brain. So to eliminate ‘nervous system compromise’ intrathecal chemotherapy (IT) bypasses the brains protection by injecting into the spine directly
to the brain.  It should only last an hour but I’d rather be trying on wigs.

IT part 2. Ouch! They said it would be similar to the bone marrow biopsy but less painful. It wasn't. It hurt. Not for long and probably more uncomfortable than pain like the promise of pain either way it was not something I want to do again. It was disappointing when she asked if this was my first one suggesting there would be more. I didn’t ask how many but there will be a number of them. For some reason I declined having gas and air. I shall remember next time not to be a hero. Give me anything you’ve got. If you ever have the choice of having a needle put between your vertebrae into your spine then I suggest you decline.